
Disney Villain Highschool 2

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Disney Villain High School was unlike anything Hades had seen before. Sure there had been times when he took a peek at the mortal world, toon town specifically, but he had never actually set foot on it before. The building was made of dark stone, kids his age mulled around in darker clothes. Colors of red, blue, purple and black swam before his eyes. He gulped and pulled his school regulation bag higher up on his shoulder. Suddenly he was pushed out of the way by something near his leg.

"Move," A low voice said. He looked down and saw a redish lion stalking right by his leg. Hades quickly jumped back in surprise. He watched in amazement as the lion crossed the threshold from the side walk to the main school walkway. There was a bright burst of green fire and smoke. Instead of a lion, a young man stood where the creature had once been. He brushed a stray piece of dark auburn hair out of his face. His dark suit jacket mimicked the color his fur had once been. He walked confidently into the school, his dark loafers tapping neatly on the concrete. Hades just stood there in awe.

"What the-"

"It's a special charm, animals can't hold the damn pencils," A cool voice behind him said. Hades turned around and saw a young man behind him. The purple undershirt he was wearing stood out against his dark skin and his pants were too short; he smiled and Hades could clearly see the large gap between his teeth. His satchel had a large voodoo skull printed on it. The guy brushed a stray hair out of his face with a quickly and walked up to Hades, "You're a new kid?" He said. Hades could faintly pick up an accent.

"Hades," He said holding a hand out. The kid gave it a rough shake.

"Andre Facilier," he said with a smile, "First day?" he asked cooly.

"Eh," Hades shrugged, "Whatta ya gonna do?"

"I hear ya brother." Suddenly a girl with extremely curly black hair ran up to them. Her arms were clasped tightly around a couple of thick books while her bag banged loudly against her thin legs, "Took you long enough." Facilier said as the girl caught up to him. She shot him a glare.

"Who's this?" She asked gesturing to Hades.

"Gothel, this is Hades, new kid. Hades, this is Donna Gothel." The one called Gothel shuffled her bag higher onto her shoulder and shifted her books to one arm so she could shake Hades' outstretched hand.

"Donna?" she grimaced.

"Call me by that name again and I swear you will not wake up the next morning," She said seriously but then burst out laughing, "Oh my god, I'm just teasing don't take everything so seriously. But seriously don't call me that." Hades looked over at Facilier with a raised eyebrow.

"She does that sometimes," He said. The three of them heard the loud honk of a horn as a large limo pulled up.

"Entrance time?" Gothel asked Facilier.

"Entrance time." The limo pulled up to the main walkway and the doorman got out to open the door for his passenger. Out stepped a young woman. One side of her long hair was stark white like snow while the other was the blackest black Hades had ever seen. She was thin, way too thin to possibly be healthy, her cheek bones stood out and her nose was turned upwards. Her eyebrows were immaculately groomed and her makeup was done flawlessly. She walked with confidence on top of five inch fur trimmed heals. As she glided past the odd looking trio she looked over her large sunglasses at Gothel.

"Gothel, what a wonderful outfit," the girl said with a sickeningly large amount of sticky sweetness.

"Thank you," Gothel said looking down at her dark jeans and longsleeved red shirt.

"Is it vintage? Or did you just buy it that tacky?" The girl said with a cruel high pitched laugh. She locked eyes with Hades for a brief moment and gave him a once over before nodding approvingly at his navy jeans and large trimmed grey t-shirt, "Not bad, but with your build you could go tighter." She walked away after that.

"Well she seems pleasant," Hades said with heavy doses of sarcasm.

"Cruella DeVille," Facilier said pointing at the twig of a girl, "psycho little bitch that's for damn sure. Her parents are filthy rich; Daddy pays for all of her clothes and doesn't ask questions."

"I am going to slaughter that stupid slut one day," Gothel said gripping her books tighter. The bell rang with a loud shrill alerting them that it was time to go to class. The trio of misfits began walking in and Hades began taking note of everything he saw.

"Damn it, Chess, GIVE ME MY BOOK BACK NOW!" A young man dressed in a pink striped shirt stood up high in the tree as he held the book over the screaming girl on the ground. She screamed tirelessly at him while making futile attempts to get her book back.

Across the courtyard Hades spied a group of muscle-headed jocks throwing around some ball of some kind. The one facing Hades caught the ball and then stopped as he stared Hades down. The others turned to look at him as well. They were all wearing red and black letterman jackets but the leader, the one that was currently engaging in a staring contest with the future Lord of the Dead, was clearly distinguishable. Even from across the yard Hades could make out the bright blue eyes and well defined chin. His black hair was longer, but pulled back into a small pony tail.

Just then the roar of a motorcycle came from behind Hades. He turned around briefly to see who it was. The rider was wearing the same red and black letterman jacket as the group of kids across the courtyard. He forcefully put down the kick stand and took off his helmet. He had a strong set jaw and looked like he belonged in the military. There was another passenger on the bike. He helped her off; she took off her own helmet to reveal a loose blonde braid that coiled around one side of her neck. She gave him a quick peck on the cheek before walking to one decisive end of the courtyard. The driver walked over to the other group of jocks and gave the leader a quick bro hug.

As the trio approached the steps, Hades took note of a group of four playing dice up against the wall.

"Ha! Seven!" One said snatching the dice up. He was a bit chunky and gelatinous looking and wore a shirt that looked something akin to a potato sack.

"No way!" A younger kid said. He wore a black studded jacket over a red t-shirt. Around his neck he wore a black collar looking thing. His fire engine red hair was styled into something akin to horns.

"You're lying again," Another young kid said. He was barefoot and wore blue slouch pants under a baggy dark blue t-shirt. A lollipop hung lazily from his mouth. Hades couldn't tell if his hair was wet, or if it was simply unwashed to the point that the oil was dripping from his scalp. He didn't exactly want to find out.

"Gimme those dice, Oogy!" the only girl in the group screeched as she swiped the dice out his hand. She wore a lavender dress that was cinched in the middle by a black corset belt. Atop of her messy purple hair she wore a twisted purple hat.

The trio entered the school and Facilier pointed out a glass pained wall. Inside a woman with greenish skin and a twisted nose sat furiously typing away on a computer. She said behind a large desk and occasionally would scratch her out of control white hair. There was a dark cherry wood door embedded in the wall behind her. The word PRINCIPAL was written in large black letters across the yellowing window in the door.

"You can get your schedule in there," Facilier said, "I'm sure Pete is going to want to talk to you as well."


"The principal," Gothel said, "He always wants to speak to new students. It's the right way to handle things, he says." She looked at the twisted clock on the wall, "We have to go to class, Facilier." She said walking away.

"See you around, Hades," Facilier said before following Gothel down the hall. Hades took a deep breath and walked into the room.

"Name?" The woman behind the desk asked. Her voice was shrill, she smiled with cavity ridden teeth.

"Hades, god in training, how ya doin?" Hades said calmly. The lady pushed back from her desk and whisked around the back side of her desk.

"H… H…. Hades…" She said as she whisked back to face the blue-grey skinned teen. She placed a black folder on the desk, "This is your schedule Mr. Hades," She said with sickening, sugar sweetness, "Principal Pete is also going to want to speak with you."

"I figured as much." She pushed a button on the old phone. It rang twice before a gruff voice answered.

"WHAT?" It screamed into the phone. The woman behind the desk calmly answered him.

"There's a new student here to see you, sir."

"Oh yes, well then, send him in." Hades opened the large cherry wood door and stepped into stuffy office. The blinds were drawn closed, but allowed minimal amounts of sunlight in. There was a large desk and a chair behind it, but the chair was currently facing the blinds, "Hades?" A voice from the chair asked.

"Yea, hi, how ya doin?" Hades said in his typical greeting.

"Sit down," Said the voice. Hades couldn't pick up where that accent was from, but he sat down none the less. The chair turned around and sitting in it was a large man…. Er… cat. Yup, it was a cat. Or at least it looked like it. He was human looking enough, but Hades could definitely tell that it was a cat. And a damn fat one, too, "I am Pete, your principal."
"I can see that."

"Now, I'm obligated to do this, but I would like to be the first to welcome you to our school. I see you have your schedule."

"Uh…. Yea."

"Good, well get to class. If you're doing your schooling right I should be seeing you in here often."

"Excuse me?"

"This is a school for villains! Breaking the rules is in our blood!" Pete said getting excited, "You're part of the villain family now."

"What is this, the Godfather?" Hades asked sarcastically.

"If it was I would have a cat," Pete said sitting down.

"But… you are a cat." There was a brief pause before Pete burst out laughing.

"I like you kid," He said pointing at Hades, "You'll do fine here. Now get a move on, your first class should have started already." And with that Hades left to find his first class, Strategy with Mr. Zeke Wolf.

Hades walked into the class market Strategy. The teacher, an animated fellow by the name of Zeke Wolf, stood at the board as he scratched away quickly with a piece of chalk. He wore a black button up shirt that was tucked into red tattered pants that were held up by green suspenders. A black top hat sat on his desk and his hair was mix of bed head and helmet hair that Hades didn't honestly think was possible.

"So, let's say there was a pig, encased within a fortress of brick-" a student in the back of the room coughed to get Mr. Wolf's attention. The teacher paused and then looked at the door. Hades stood there awkwardly with a note from Pete in his hand. He handed the note to Mr. Wolf who read it over quickly, "Class," He said pointing to Hades, "This is Hades, he's new here."
"Obviously," A kid in the front of the class said. The class sniggered a bit. He was wearing a dark red silk shirt and a black vest. He coolly looked at Hades, with a smirk. His black hair was greased down to a fault and his eyes held that evil glimmer that only the best of villains could hope to achieve in a life time.

"Can it Jafar," Mr. Wolf said, "treat him like you treat everyone else," He said to the rest of the class. Mr. Wolf then turned his attention to Hades, "We're going over physical strategy at the moment. I'm assuming you've been educated about such in the past, yes?"

"Yea," Hades said, "You could say that." Hades had been educated more in how to conduct a hostel take over with the use of minions, but hey, it's still technically physical strategy.

"Very good, you can take that open seat next to James," He said pointing to a young man in a white shirt with a trimmed red suit jacket. His black curly hair was pulled back in an attempt to look presentable. Hades walked over and plopped down next to the one called James, "Now then, where were we? Oh yes, the pigs…" Zeke began to pick up his rant right where he left off.

"James Hook," The kid sitting next to Hades said, offering his hand.

"Hades," he said as they shook hands.

"There's no surname with that?"

"Eh, there's a title, but no surname." Hades explained. Gods didn't have last names, they had titles, and damn complicated ones at that.

"How official," Hook said calmly as he flipped through his own notebook. He scribbled something down on the lines that looked as though they had been plagued with dots.

"You're not taking notes?" Hades asked. Hook chuckled a bit.

"In a way," he set his notebook down for a moment and pointed at Mr. Wolf with his pen, "This man tends to ramble on about pigs, 95% of the class is physical strategy and plotting, the other 5% is mental strategy. His technique is more full frontal battle; it's not a game of chess."

"So what exactly are you doing?" Hades asked motioning to the notebook. Hook looked down and shut it.

"Music and it's also not much of your business." Hook said calmly before resuming his 'notes'. Hades felt a pair of eyes staring at him. He looked over at the kid who had mocked him slightly earlier, the one called Jafar. They locked eyes for a brief moment, Jafar gave Hades a once over before returning his attention to the teacher.

"What's his problem?" Hades quietly asked Hook. Hook glanced up at Jafar just as he was turning around in his seat.

"Don't mess with him," Hook said turning his attention back to his book, "He's the only registered psychopath in the school besides Pete himself. He's not one to be trifled with." Apparently in this school 'registered psychopath' was a term of endearment. Hades let his gaze linger on the back of Jafar's head before he attempted to pay attention to Mr. Wolf's lecture.

Hours later after Physics, Latin (the most evil language of all), and economics, Hades found himself sitting at a lunch table with Gothel and Facilier. They had two options; eat the slop that they served in the cafeteria or bring their own food. Gothel bit into a crisp apple and took a bite of her parsnip soup. Facilier bit into the po-boy that he had brought from home and looked as Hades poked at whatever the cafeteria had slopped onto his plate.

"What exactly is this supposed to be?" Hades asked. It wasn't ambrosia, which was a nice change, but he was still unsure of what it was. He poked it again, "I think it's moving."

"Now you know to bring your own food, huh?" Facilier said with a hint of sarcasm. Facilier stood up and waved his arm toward someone standing at the door. Hades looked over to see a twig of a teenager standing the door. He black skinny jeans only made him seem thinner. The boy spotted Facilier and walked over to sit at their table. As he got closer, Hades could see him better. He had white hair, obviously a dye job, his eyes were rimmed in black and he wore a rosary around his neck. The silver contrasted with the black shirt he was wearing. He sat down at the table.

"Sorry, I know I'm late," He said in a relatively monotone voice.

"Where have you been?" Facilier asked the kid.

"In a locker," he sighed, "The meatheads really need to get more creative."

"Are you alright?" Gothel asked. The kid looked over startled.

"Y-yea, Gothel, I-I'm fine," He said before gluing his eyes to the table in front of him, a light blush painted his cheeks. Hades coughed a bit.

"Oh, right," Gothel said, "Frollo, this is Hades. Hades, this is Claude Frollo." Hades offered his hand and Frollo shook it weakly. He then pulled away and opened a book that he had pulled from his bag.

"New kid?" Frollo asked without looking up from his book.


"Have you explained to him how it works here?" Frollo asked to no one in particular.

"Eh, not yet," Facilier answered.

"I recommend you do so before he spends his free period in a locker." Facilier sighed.

"All right all right," He grabbed a napkin and scribbled on it briefly before grabbing Hades' shoulder to pull him closer, "Here is your basic layout of the lunchroom." He said pointing to the napkin, "You have your basic groups; Jocks, Populars, bookworms, gentlemen's club, nerds, gamblers, loners, garage heads, wannabes and then there's us, the greatest people you will ever meet." He then flipped hades around on the seat so he could point out the people in the lunch room. He gestured over to the group of kids in the red and black jackets, "Those are your jocks. Gaston is captain of the football team. He's not the brightest one in the bunch, but he's got your typical brute strength. And the rest of them are also on the team. Chernabog is his right hand man, literally. He plays right guard and is basically there to just fuck shit up for the other team. Hopper is a running back; he is as quick as he is deadly. Then you've got Clayton, tight end, in both the literaly and football sense of the word. He also fills in for quarterback when Gaston is out. He's got deadly accuracy. And finally there's Lyle Tiberius Rourke. Wide receiver. He's typically the brains of the group, got to skip out on Mr. Wolf's class because he passed the final at the beginning of the year."

"They tend to pick on the new kids," Gothel added, "So watch out. Gaston typically enjoys the lockers…" Frollo visibly winced.

"Next up you have your Gentlemen's club. The only ones I would worry about would be those two," Facilier pointed at James Hook and another young fellow wearing an orange silk shirt with a black jacket, "the one in that hideously tacky orange color is Shere Kahn. He's smart, wickedly so, has a dreadful fear of fire though. And that one-"

"James Hook," Hades said, Facilier looked at him with a curious look, "He's in my strategy class. We met this morning. He likes music right?"

"As far as I know, James Hook is only interested in two things: fencing and making other people look stupid." Gothel said calmly as she took another slurp of soup, she subtly pointed at a small table in the corner where a pair of Asian twins were working on their homework "Over there is Si and Am, they're your a-typical bookworms. Si plays violin, Am plays cello."

"And they happen to be pretty damn flexible," Facilier said with a wink. Frollo visibly rolled his eyes.

"Over there are your wannabes," Frollo said closing the book, which Hades could now see was a Bible, "LeFou is Gaston's cousin, and that fire engine red she-witch is Madame Medusa. Edgar just transferred here last year. Kaa and Hiss tend to stay together, considering they're not typically used to having hands." Facilier took the lead and pointed to two kids sitting in the corner.

"That's Shan Yu and Amos Slade. Amos has one hell of a temper; inversely, you can never tell what Shan Yu is thinking. He's cold. But he's got the best aim on the archery team and next to Gaston and Clayton, Amos has the best shot."

"The garage kids aren't here, they tend to take their lunch hour in the auto-shop garage. If you have a motor cycle, take it to Helga. The number you saw Rourke riding in on, that's hers. Anything else, take it to John Silver. He's crazy good with machines."

"Your gamblers," Frollo said drying pointing the potato-sack kid and his friends, "Are Oogy Boogie, Lock, Shock, and Barrel. Oogy tends to cheat, so I wouldn't get into him for too much money."

"And finally you have-" Gothel didn't get to finish he statement before the doors to the cafeteria opened with a bang, "Speak of the devil." Gothel said looking down at her food.

"The queens themselves," Frollo said dryly.

"Ah yes, and so we come to the populars." Facilier said leaning back in his chair, "The dastardly trio themselves. You already met Cruella outside. But the other two? Well they're just as bad. The purple skinned one?" He said pointing to a curvaceous looking girl wearing a tight fitting black dress that contrasted with her stark white hair, "That's Ursula. She doesn't really ever stop talking and is the self-proclaimed match maker of DVHS. And the pale stuffy looking one next to her," He said poiting to the third girl, "That's Princess Grimhilde, but most people just call her Grim. She's as beautiful as she is vain." The three girls walked over to the table full of jocks. Cruella gave Gaston a quick peck before sitting down next to him to do her nails.

"What about Jafar?" Hades asked, he had not seen Jafar since strategy had ended a few hours ago. Facilier glanced at Hades out of the corner of his eye.

"Jafar? He's cold. Cunning. He will slaughter your personal life without even thinking about it."

"He's also got ins with the jocks," Frollo said, "He's got dirt on every single person in this school and is damn smart too. A deadly combo."

"The point is," Facilier said, "don't go messing with Jafar, unless you have a death wish. He tends to hang around Taka, or Scar as he's better well known. They complement each other I guess…" Facilier kept talking but Hades had zoned out completely. As Facilier had begun his rant about Scar and Jafar's friendship and reason why not to get involved with them another person had entered the cafeteria. A girl. She had green skin and her jet black hair was pulled back into a high pony tail. She wore a long sleeved black shirt and purple pants. The girl scoured the cafeteria for a while before she spied her friends. As she was walking towards them, she passed Hades and the trio of misfits.

"Who is that?" Hades said absent mindedly. No one at the table answered him for a while, "Name, name, give me a name here." Hades said as he kept his eyes glued to the girl.

"Maleficent," Frollo said from behind his Bible, "Her name is Maleficent. She's Jafar's girl." Hades stared in awe as the greened skinned girl sat down with her friends. One of them Hades recognized from outside as the one who was yelling at the boy in the tree. The other had red hair pulled back into a bun and was wearing a high collared maroon shirt, her nose was buried in a book.

"She's dating Jafar?" Hades asked in amazement. Facilier shrugged.

"I guess so."

"What do ya mean, ya guess so?"

"No one knows for sure," Gothel said, "I mean we think they are, but no one has heard anything official. She's too smart to let rumors go floating about. She's also too smart to hang around the airheads and their beefcake boyfriends, which is why she's not in the popular crowd. Those other two? That's Rebecca Tremaine, she's here on scholarship. The other one is Princess Rose Heart, she's got one hell of a temper but then I guess that's why she hangs out with Mal and Tremaine. They're the only ones that can put up with her tendencies" Hades did not take his eyes off of the green girl. This was certainly going to be an interesting day, now that he knew Maleficent was in the mix.
TADA! Here's chapter two folks.

My plan is to include every villian (except for a select few because of age and sanity limitations) that I can. And yes that means all Pinnochio villains except for Lampwick because I can damnit.


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katnisseverdeen4life's avatar
Mean Girls reference and a whole bunch of awesome Disney villains, and you got me hooked. :D